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How to otbain residency permit in Lithuania?

2012 August
There are several options to obtain residence permit in Lithuania. Those depend on your official status be it European Union citizen or foreigner etc.
One of the option to acquire permission for temporary residence for up to 1 year in Lithuania is to invest in business (share capital in the company). In order to obtain temporal residence permit in Lithuania through investments in business, the investment must meet certain law requirements. For example, the share capital in the company must be at least LTL 30 000 (approx. EUR 8 600) and it has genuine economical activities and pays minimum taxes. The presence of investor is necessary for business activities of a company.

How to obtain residency permit in Lithuania

Non-European Union citizens, willing to engage in certain activities in Lithuania like studies or work must apply for and receive a temporary residence permit. If a temporary residence permit on studies is issued, non-European citizen enjoys the right of possible part-time work which according to the Labor Code is not more than 20 hours per week. Depending on the reasons of residing in Lithuania, the temporary residence permit may be issued for a period not longer than 5 years through the local migration office.

Regarding the work permit, registered enterprise in Lithuania may employ a foreigner if he has a valid work permit issued by the Lithuanian Labor Exchange. Residence permit is not mandatory for EU citizens, as well as for foreigners holding a permit for permanent residence, foreigners who retained their right to the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, foreigners of Lithuanian origin and foreigner who has married Lithuanian citizen.

Temporary residence permit may grant a right to receive a work permit. The work permit is not required for persons who holds a position of head of the company in Lithuania but actually resides outside Lithuania.


To get access to European market and obtain residence permit in Lithuania is not so hard, but you probably will need local legal support.
If you enjoyed this article about immigration in Lithuania, then read about - "Immigration in Latvia - history and law".

Categories: -Immigration -Lithuania -Residency


  1. I am Pakistani. Buisnessman.
  2. It is possible to set up a company for TRP purposes

Khalid Mahmood:
Dear Sir,s.
I am Pakistani. Buisnessman.
I am running a buisness in Pakistan.
I planned that I made my copmany in Lithuania .
I want to make UAB(TRP) company .
How can you help me about this Please send me the fully detail about this.
Khalid Mahmood
June 20, 2013 at 17:02

Dear Mr.Mahmood,
It is possible to set up a company for TRP purposes. In this case you should hold a position of director and/or shareholder. Practically, you can expand your business in Europe and earn profit from your investment!
June 26, 2013 at 11:06

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