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Top 10 articles of the three quarters

2013 April
Baltic Legal blog has gained worthy attention in the public of internet. We have grown in capacity of articles and we have acquired many mentions in blogosphere. Time has passed and this post is devoted to top 10 articles from the beggining of blog which is August 2012.



Idea rose up when article on advertisement about Latvia according to web analytics got viral relatively to blog size.

According to web stats this video and it's transcripts page got in 3rd most visited page of all times.

10th - Baltic Legal Blog about company formation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

10th place was to article on what Baltic Legal blog will be about. This blog entry has some standing visits from it's time of writing in 2012 August and seems it has the least bounce rate, which is good. We can call this first blog entry a Constitution of blog to say it in legal manner as Baltic Legal is lawyer office in Latvia.

9th place - Top countries in the world for business, including Estonia

Another article from August 2012 about top countries for business in the world seemed as a minor Estonia's mention by Forbes top, but turned out the 9th successful blog entry of all times. This article compares top GDP of nations in the world and Estonia beating their Baltic counterparts - Latvia and Lithuania. Estonia itself is in 16th place of Forbes top. This article got higher bounce rate then the previous, but instead it got longer visit duration which means more interest by those who did not leave.

8th place - Lithuania maintains international business and keep developing cooperation with China

Indeed everyone runs for cooperation with China, because it is next world economic superpower with the speed economy developes in China. Lithuania is not an exception. This article discusses mainly about both side advantages and main aspects of new agreement. This article mainly gained popularity among refferal links in social media like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.

7th place - Why Estonia is good place for business?

Why Estonia is good place for business? Or better let's say Why haven't you opened a company in Estonia? This article mainly covers the best aspects of doing business in Estonia and World Bank figures. Article got various attention by a wide list of internet marketing channels.

6th place - EU Blue Card; residence permit for qualified employees

European residence permit article comes in 6th place. Not bad for specific article like this. Why it is specific? -Because it contains information on residence permit (Blue Card) for employees only. This article attracted most unique visitors relatively in percents.

5th place - Immigration in Latvia, Europe; history and law

Immigration in Latvia, Europe; law and history (Immigration services: Immigration in Latvia) got viral, literally. It means when it got posted back in 2012 August it has been viewed regulary on daily basis. It discusses trends of immigration in Latvia and what has been the history for temporar residence permits and the aspect of law. This article has one of highest duration of reading rates and non-bounce rates from this top.

4th place - Top 10 places in the world I would not do any business

Originally named World's toughest countries to do business in mention all the top 10 countries where CNBC does not suggest to do any business and for addition 2010 and 2011 GDP of those countries written.

TOP 3rd place - A Journey Through Latvia; business investors advertisement

Already mentioned article on video named A Journey Through Latvia got it's position in 1 day!

Whats so great about this video and article itself?

It has lowest exit rate which means when visitor comes to this page he clicks further and does not exit from blog at the exact page.

The video was transcripted in the article and all major business key aspects overviewed and you know - Latvia has some awesome advantages in business.

Who developed this video?

Video were developed by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia who mainly focuses on acquiring investors for Latvia and regional development issues.

Future predictions

How this article will be viewed in future? -It is hard to predict, but count of visits speak for themselves. With a little of success this can get as most viewed video about Latvia in business industry. Article should follow the count of video views.

TOP 2nd place - How to otbain residency permit?

How to obtain residence permit in [country name hidden for intrigue purpose] is article which aims at discussion how to get acces to Europes common market, how the residence permit for specific country can be obtained and what are the options in this country. Article got few thausand pageviews and more then thausand unique visitors.

Both, 1st and 2nd, articles are about immigration.
But which will be the first one? -Latvia or Lithuania?

Immigration services

If you'd like to get immigration services in Europe visit this page.

TOP 1st place - Statistics show immigration in Latvia is growing

Unbelievable is that article like Statistics show immigration in Latvia is growing can get in first place. Unbelievable because it is just a statistics, yet article itself is worthy because of precise figures of residence permit in Latvia and statistics of which are favorable Latvian cities to live in, and Schengen area in and out migration practice.

A lot of attention, but or privacy purposes we do not disclose specific number on pageviews, but I can assure it was a lot more then one can wish for.

Categories: -Estonia -Latvia -Lithuania

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