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EU Blue Card – residence permit for qualified employees

2013 January
European Union Blue Card is introduced in Latvia according to the amendments of Latvian Immigration Law as of June 16, 2011. The only way to get EU Blue Card is to be employed in EU, in this case- in Latvia.

The Blue Card is a temporary residence permit, issued by Republic of Latvia for highly qualified foreigners, who are being employed under the guidance of employer and earns determined salary. Qualified employee must have a higher education from educational programme that lasted at least three years and this education must be in the same working sector which is specified in the contract of employment.

If the person fulfils these criteria and has nationality of the third countries, then he can apply for EU Blue Card. With term “third countries” is meant any country except member states of EU, the European Economic Area countries and Switzerland.

EU Blue Card for qualified professionals from third countries and their families gives more advantageous than ordinary work permit. If the person has received the Blue Card, then its family members also have the rights to get it. With Blue Card, third-country nationals and their families can enter, re-enter and stay in the issuing Member State and pass through other Member States, work in the sector concerned and also enjoy equal treatment with nationals as regards, for example, working conditions, social security, pensions, recognition of diplomas, education and vocational training. Latvia has made changes in Unemployed Persons and Persons Seeking Employment Law, including Blue Card holders as a group which has rights to get support from National Employment Agency.

Blue Card must be renewed annually. If the card holder has been reside in Latvia 5 or more years then he has the rights to qualify for an EU permanent resident status.

This is also an opportunity for entrepreneurs. The businessmen can establish a company in Latvia and give himself high qualified work position and specify in the employment contract working sector, which comply with his educational programme diploma and required salary. He will be employed under the guidance of employer, namely, the company. If all criterions are fulfilled, person should have all the rights to get EU Blue Card in Republic of Latvia.

Categories: -Immigration -Residency -Business

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